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Seniors with Medicare


Welcome to ShareRight, a program of Impact Health Sharing. We are glad you are here. As a new member, we want to make sure you know ALL about your membership. Impact is a robust program, so take some time to get acquainted with all of the info you will find on this page.  And, let's get started with a few things.

Schedule Welcome Aboard Call

Schedule a Welcome Aboard Call, where our Member Services Reps will guide you through navigating your new membership.  

During this call, you'll learn more about the benefits of your membership, how to use our online Member Center, and what your next steps should be.


Log In to the Member Center

The Member Center is your hub for all of your sharing details and the key place to manage your membership.

  • See who shared your bills.
  • Send a note of encouragement
  • Change your address
  • Print your Member Card
  • and More!
print your member card

Print your member cards today from the Member CenterYou'll get a printed copy, but you can always access your digital card online.

Cards will be mailed within 2 weeks of your start date. Please allow sufficient processing time to receive your cards. For any issues, errors, or additional cards, click here to request a new card.



  • PRA
  • Prescriptions
  • Pre-Eligibility
  • Preventive Care
  • Provider Fees
  • Pre-X

Understanding your Primary Responsibility Amount

Do I Pay my PRA upfront?

Yes and No...The PRA is the annual amount you are responsible for before medical bills will be approved for sharing. So yes, the PRA has to be paid in advance of sharing but depending on the bills incurred, you may not owe it all at one time.

 What about my co-share?

Seniors do not have a co-share amount. They are simply responsible for the $1000 PRA with sharing secondary to Medicare.

Understanding Prescriptions

Seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D have the additional  opportunity to engage in our prescription sharing program.


Medicare Part D Coverage:

To be eligible for sharing prescription costs, you need to have Medicare Part D.


Purchasing Your Medications:

Your prescriptions must be processed  through Medicare Part D first. After that, ShareRight for Seniors will share the remaining costs.


Submitting Your Expenses:

Simply submit your prescription expenses online.

We’ll then process these costs towards your Personal Responsibility Amount (PRA) or reimburse you, making it hassle-free.

Understanding when you need to request a pre-eligibility review

Pre-eligibility is required for any of the following treatments to be eligible for sharing:

•    Cancer Treatment

•    Elective Cardiac Procedures

•    Non-emergency inpatient/outpatient surgery

•    Organ/Tissue Transplant Services

•    Maternity

•    Imaging: MRIs and Nuclear Imaging (i.e. PET scans)

 3-5 business day notice required, expedited review on a case-by-case basis. Medical records are required to determine pre-eligibility and failure to provide requested records for review will result in the bill being ineligible for sharing.

Providers may request pre-eligibility online or by calling (855) 610-2805.

Understanding Preventive vs Wellness Care

Preventive Screening

Preventive screening as outlined below is subject to PRA and before bills will be shared for the following:

  • Women: Pap test
  • Mammogram
  • Men: PSA test
  • All: Colonoscopy

ShareRight follows the American Cancer Society's recommendations when it comes to sharing in Preventive Care. 


Wellness Visits

Wellness Visits Are NOT subject to the PRA. These will be shared at 100%.

One wellness visit is eligible for sharing for members 6 years and older per membership year. This includes a $150 allowance for some routine labs as ordered by the provider during that visit. 


Understanding Provider Fees

Impact for Seniors simplifies the healthcare experience.

  • No Provider fees.
  • No Co-share.
  • No Pre-existing limitations.


Simply pay your Primary Responsibility Amount (PRA) of $1000 and ShareRight members will share the portion of your Eligible Medical Bills that Medicare allows but does not pay completely, like Co-pays, Deductibles, Hospitalization, Skilled Nursing Facility Care, and Out-of-country Urgent Care. With sharing secondary to Medicare, this program is an incredible options for seniors. 


Understanding Pre-existing Conditions

Impact for Seniors revolutionizes the healthcare journey.

No limits on pre-existing conditions.



Pay $1000 for your Primary Responsibility Amount (PRA) and ShareRight members will share your Eligible Medical Bills not covered by Medicare, such as Co-pays, Deductibles, Hospitalization, Skilled Nursing Facility Care, and Out-of-country Urgent Care. This program is an incredible option for seniors, with sharing secondary to Medicare.


Our Blog

We've got invaluable health tips, expert advice, and articles specific to healthcare sharing that will educate and inspire you on your journey.


This Welcome Guide is intended to be an easy-to-read introduction to Impact and in no way replaces, supplements, or overrides the Impact Health Sharing Guidelines. The current guidelines govern, not the guidelines in effect when you joined.



Impact Health Sharing is Secondary to Other Sources

Impact for Senior members must submit their bills and prescriptions to Medicare first, or if you have other health or welfare benefits, such as an employment-related health or welfare plan, workers’ compensation insurance, homeowner’s insurance, or fraternal benefits, the member is expected to take all reasonable steps in order to qualify for such payments and to exhaust the benefits available under those resources before submitting a request for sharing.

Sharing During the First 60 Days of Membership

During the first 60 days of membership, sharing of eligible medical bills is limited to $50,000 (excluding pre-existing conditions). Discounts for prescriptions and no-cost Telehealth doctor visits start the first month of membership.


Motorized Vehicle Accidents

Treatment related to injuries received while in motor vehicles is eligible for sharing, provided all legally required and industry-recommended safety equipment was in use. Treatment related to motorcycle accidents is limited to $100,000 per incident. Sharing will be secondary to automobile insurance. Treatment resulting from the abuse of alcohol, legal drugs or federally- classified illegal drugs, is not considered medically eligible and will not be shared.



We're here to help! 
