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Frequently Asked Questions

Find solutions to frequently asked questions below. For more information, read our Membership Guidelines.

Is ShareRight the same as insurance? No, ShareRight is not the same as insurance. ShareRight offers an alternative approach to healthcare insurance, where individuals with similar beliefs collaborate to share each other's medical expenses. These expenses are shared among members through individual bank accounts, using a concept known as distributed reserves.
How does healthcare sharing differ from traditional health insurance?

Health insurance involves a contractual agreement with a for-profit company and regular premium payments. Healthcare sharing is a voluntary, not-for-profit system where individuals with similar beliefs share resources to pay medical expenses. 

Unlike insurance policies with detailed contracts and guarantees, healthcare sharing involves no formal contracts or promises of payment. Instead, members contribute monthly share amounts, which are used to pay eligible medical expenses incurred by other members. While insurance pools risk across a large group of policyholders, healthcare sharing involves a more community-oriented approach, with eligibility based on shared beliefs and values rather than actuarial risk assessment. 

Who can join ShareRight?

ShareRight is made up of individuals, families, and small businesses who share common beliefs and ethical values. We believe in inclusivity, with no barriers based on race, color, religion, or creed. View our Statement of Shared Beliefs & Ethics

Is there an enrollment period or can I join anytime?

Membership enrollment is open year-round, allowing you the flexibility to select the month you prefer for your membership to begin. 

How much does it cost?

The monthly share amount is determined by factors such as the age of the eldest individual in your household, the number of applicants, and your chosen Primary Responsibility Amount.

ShareRight is a program of Impact Health Sharing. Get a quote at 

Our plans offer significant savings compared to ACA Plans (Obamacare) and provide exceptional value compared to other health sharing programs. Starting at just $73 per month for singles and $378 per month for families, our pricing ensures affordability without compromising on quality care.

How do prescriptions work?

See the Guidelines for complete details.

Prescription medication costs can be applied towards the Primary Responsibility Amount (PRA) unless they pertain to chronic pre-existing conditions at the time of joining ShareRight.

Once the member's PRA is fulfilled, prescription expenses are shared according to the following guidelines:

  • For generic drug prescriptions, sharing begins after the initial $25.
  • For brand-name prescriptions when generics are unavailable, sharing starts after the initial $50.
  • Prescription medications must be purchased using the member ID card (refer to Rx information on the card).
  • Members are responsible for paying 100% of the prescription cost at the pharmacy.
  • Eligible prescription drugs include those dispensed, injected, or administered.

Please note that psychotropic medication and birth control expenses are not eligible for sharing.

The shareable amount is capped at $1200 per member per membership year after the PRA has been met. For further details on how this process operates, click here. 

What if I have pre-existing conditions?

Yes, we accept people with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions. If you have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition(s), you can still share with others, but that Pre-Existing Medical Condition(s) will not be eligible for sharing until the condition has undergone 36 consecutive months without known signs, symptoms, testing, diagnosis, treatment, or medication (based on medical records).

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions are conditions in which known signs, symptoms, testing, diagnosis, treatment, or use of medication occurred within 36 months prior to membership (based on medical records).

A known sign is any abnormality indicative of disease discovered on examination/diagnostic testing before joining membership.

A symptom is any subjective evidence of disease. In contrast, a sign is objective.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer that is in complete remission and you are only undergoing testing for surveillance purposes, then bills related to those services will not be eligible for sharing for the first 36 months of membership. If after 36 months you are without signs, symptoms, testing (other than surveillance testing), diagnosis, or treatment (medication), medical expenses related to that cancer diagnosis will be eligible for sharing.

High blood pressure or high cholesterol that is controlled through medication will not be considered a Pre-Existing Medical Condition for purposes of determining eligibility for future vascular or cardiac events.

The Pre-Existing Medical Condition limitations do not apply to members 65 years old and older.

WHAT IS ELIGIBLE FOR SHARING? View our Guidelines to learn more.
What do I do if I need to see a doctor?

Using ShareRight is easy when you need to go to the doctor. 

Visit this page to find out more about what steps to take when using ShareRight.

Does ShareRight have a deductible?

As ShareRight Healthcare operates differently from insurance, there is no individual deductible. Instead, there is a Primary Responsibility Amount (PRA) per household.

The PRA represents the annual amount payable by the household before eligible medical expenses become eligible for sharing.

You can select from five options: $1,000 (exclusive to those 65 years and older with Medicare A & B), $2,500, $5,000, $7,500, and $10,000.

Does ShareRight involve a co-share?

After reaching the Primary Responsibility Amount, members are responsible for paying 10% (the Co-Share amount) of all eligible medical bills. The remaining 90% is shared among the Impact membership.

A Co-Share limit of $5,000 per year, per household, is in place. This means that once a member has paid a total of $5,000 in Co-Shares, they will not be required to contribute further until the amount resets on their Membership Date.

Does ShareRight require an office provider fee?

The provider fee represents the payment made by the member to the medical provider for each visit.

This fee cannot be applied to the PRA and remains payable even after the PRA has been met.

Provider fee rates are as follows:

  • Telehealth: $0
  • Primary care visit: $50
  • Specialist visit or outpatient services: $75
  • Urgent care: $100
  • Emergency room or inpatient hospitalization: $150
  • Impact Seniors: $0
How does ShareRight handle preventative care?

Each membership year includes one annual/well visit.

This visit encompasses a $150 allowance for routine labs.

ShareRight Healthcare adheres to the American Cancer Society recommendations regarding preventative care, which include the following:

For Women:

  • Pap test: Once every three years between ages 21-65.
  • Mammogram: Yearly from ages 45-54, every two years starting at age 55.

For Men:

  • PSA test: Once every year, starting at age 45.

For All:

  • Colonoscopy: Once every 10 years starting at age 50, or once every five years for members at high risk.
Does ShareRight work with Medicare?

ShareRight, a program of Impact Health Sharing, makes healthcare for Seniors simple. 

No Provider fees.
No Co-share.
No Pre-existing limitations.  
Here are a few things to know:
1. If you are 65 or older, you are required to have Medicare Parts A & B to join ShareRight.
2. ShareRight is always secondary to Medicare Parts A & B. One great thing about this is that there are no preexisting condition restrictions or provider fees for ShareRight members with Medicare. 
3. You are welcome to use your member card to access the pass-through direct pricing on prescriptions. One thing to note, for prescription costs to be eligible for sharing, members must have Medicare Part D as well.
4. All sharing will be secondary to Medicare. There is only one PRA level available to these senior adults
(see pricing calculator at This program is available only on an individual membership basis.
5. The PRA for senior adults is $1000 with no provider fees, no co-share, and no preexisting limitations.
Am I able to select my own doctor?

ShareRight doesn't employ a Provider Network, so you're free to maintain your existing relationship with your preferred doctors and hospitals, including specialists.

Click here for further details on using ShareRight with any provider.

Does ShareRight meet the standard for MEC?

Under the ACA, employers with at least 50 full-time employees are obligated to provide MEC (Minimum Essential Coverage) to their workforce, known as the "employer mandate," which remains in effect today.

As a healthcare sharing organization, ShareRight does not fulfill the criteria for MEC (Minimum Essential Coverage).

As a result, organizations with 50 or more employees that offer ShareRight Health Sharing must also provide a separate MEC program alongside ShareRight.

How does the ACA affect ShareRight?

ShareRight's Position on ACA Compliance for Healthcare Sharing Organizations: Read Here.

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