Going to the Doctor
ShareRight, a program of Impact Health Sharing, is not a new concept, but it is a new blend of a lot of the things that work RIGHT in healthcare. Follow these steps to connect with medical primary care doctors and explore alternative medicine insurance options. You can also utilize telehealth urgent care for quick support. We’re here to help you navigate your alternative health insurance options with ease and confidence.
ShareRight supports your choice to see any provider you choose.
If you would like help locating a provider, contact ShareRight and ask to speak with a Care Navigator.
At every appointment, show your member card. If the provider isn't familiar with Impact or asks you to self-pay, don't worry. Both situations occur, and neither prevents using your membership or seeing your chosen provider.3: PAY YOUR PROVIDER FEE
You'll have a small provider fee to pay at each visit. This fee is part of your agreement with ShareRight and is not part of the costs that are shared.
The provider fee is $0 for Urgent Telemedicine, $50 for each primary care visit, $75 per specialist or urgent care visit or $150 for an emergency room visit or hospitalization.
Some doctors bill ShareRight directly. They handle the billing, and ShareRight coordinates the healthcare costs with them. Your bills must be eligible for sharing, and your PRA must be met before any costs can be shared. The exception here is your annual physical and a $150 lab allowance, which are shared fully, even if you haven't met your PRA.
If your healthcare provider requests payment in advance, proceed with the payment and then submit your receipt and bill to ShareRight in the Member Center. When you pay cash, ensure you obtain a HCFA, UB, or at the very least, an itemized bill. Don't forget to ask for a 'cash pay' discount or 'self-pay' discount, as these can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.
Eligible medical bills will either be applied towards your Personal Responsibility Amount (PRA) and co-share or, if your PRA has already been met, they will be published for sharing and subsequently reimbursed.
If these costs are from your annual physical or $150 lab allowance, you will be reimbursed once the bill is processed. No need to meet your PRA first.
In the end, whether your doctor bills ShareRight directly or you pay first, your medical needs can be shared through ShareRight, as long as your costs are eligible for sharing and your PRA is met. Both methods are just different ways to handle payment.
ShareRight’s electronic bill processing, digital sharing, and distributed medical reserves enables payment to providers, typically 30-40 days after receipt of the members’ bills. This approach sets ShareRight apart from the healthcare sharing process that many providers may have experienced with other healthcare sharing organizations. It is our aim to provide an experience that works better, feels better than insurance for our members.
If your provider is asking for more information, just ask them to give us a call.
- We find that it is most efficient for medical providers to submit bills for their services electronically through EDI and to the Payor ID on the back of the member’s card.
- This allows ShareRight to process and adjudicate medical bills for eligibility per the Program Guidelines quickly. Most bills are processed in less than 30 days.
- Once processed, ShareRight members share funds from their Share Accounts to pay each other’s medical bills; on average in 3-4 days.
- At this point, ShareRight remits payment electronically to providers, less any Member Responsibility Amounts (i.e., Deductibles, Co-Pays, or Co-Shares) and furnishes the provider with an EOP (Explanation of Payment) detailing the amount(s) paid.
Providers are required to apply for pre-eligibility for any of the following treatments to be eligible for sharing:
- Cancer Treatment
- Elective Cardiac Procedures
- Non-emergency inpatient/outpatient surgery
- Organ/Tissue Transplant Services
- Maternity
Imaging: MRIs and Nuclear Imaging (i.e. PET scans)
Providers may apply for pre-eligibility by calling (855) 610-2805.
3-5 business day notice required, expedited review on a case-by-case basis.
Medical records are required to determine pre-eligibility and failure to provide requested records for review will result in the bill being ineligible for sharing.
The PRA is the annual amount a Member Household is responsible to pay for before eligible medical bills are approved for sharing. The PRA must be paid in advance of sharing.
These two exceptions are shared by members 100% even if the PRA has not been met:
• One annual physical
• $150 lab credit
Please note that all other eligible medical bills will only be shared into after the household PRA has been met.